Most of us have had experience with veterinary drugs... simply incredible drugs that generally are targeted towards horses or canines... and the ensuing results have probably been magnificent. However, when you first start, the concept of ingesting something intended for our four legged friends can be a little jarring. An individual wonder if you're proceeding to take Winstrol and conclude jumping 5 ft . fences, or if most likely going to can get on all fours, pee on your neighbor's mailbox and pursue a rabbit if you sample some of Fido's hormonal medication - and haven't we all had a moment on all fours where it's been embarrassing? Scratch that.
Appearance, there's definitely a reason that veterinarian drugs are desired by many people and why taking the lead of race and show equine performance may be the best plan. Sport race horses are insanely amazing athletes. Not just your typical race horses, but dressage horses, jumping horses, cross country and steeplechase race horses, Winsol and so many others there are very many to mention. Basically, these capable athletes are not only as aesthetically pleasing and as muscle solid as you are as a bodybuilder, they tend to be really geared up for performance. They perform like well-oiled machines. Very much of that is hereditary predisposition and they have evolved through the years to become such powerful animals. But, a lot has been cultivated beyond the standard stage of performance and conditioning by way of pet performance and growth drugs and equine specifically equine sports supplements.
Oh sure, these hooved homies are supplement junkies similar to you! Alright, they aren't, but their owners certainly are. In fact, the equestrian world is downright fanatical when it comes to "getting the edge". It is quite astounding that trends in the equestrian world so closely resemble the key threads of bodybuilding supplementation. All of us tend to take creatine, horses take creatine. We all take Gamma-Oryzanol, horses take G-O. Horses take Glucosamine and Chondroitin, and we take it, in addition to Hyaluronic acid (horses took it first) and the list just maintains going on and on.
The idea is, horses and people aren't so different in regards to sports needs. While bodybuilding may be considered an aesthetic-only pursuit, those of all of us who train all know that in the gym, is actually all about obtaining higher levels of performance! The most exciting thing is, there exists a supplement that is dependent on horse performance concepts that is similar to the supplement version of we have all enjoyed out of veterinary Anabolics over the years. It really is the equivalent in regards to supplements - something that has until recently been very difficult to obtain in the bodybuilding world.
I used to feel that having a supplement that has been as good as Winstrol and Equipoise are as an AAS, would be an impossible dream. Based on pre-workout (energy), exercise (anti-fatigue/ lactic acid preventing properties) and post-workout (recovery), it's like vet Anabolics - you tend to get the most clear results for the fewest hassles. Is actually a real "bang for the buck" supplement in the same way Winstrol-V and Equipoise is a damn good steroid cycle! And believe you me, the pre-performance and recovery areas of the equestrian health supplement world are vastly more advanced than the human being side.
The human version of this equestrian supplement is known as TridenosenH, I think it's still a littler hard to find, but maybe do some searching on the Internet to see what you think of. Believe me, this marriage of the equestrian supplement world with the human you are an advancement that's been long awaited, especially by me.